I’ve been dating my current boyfriend for almost 3 years now. Again, I’m praying for him as well and that God gives him clarity, as well as myself. I hope this is helpful. I left. My boyfriend just broke up with me. After that he went completely cold turkey. You are young and I am sure you will find what you are looking for. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Regardless of the peer pressure from his mates, that will wear thin very quickly. Why is he doing this. For some reason he won’t let me go. I don’t know what i should do. What woman wants a man who is driving her crazy? I can understand she felt that other girl was a menace for her, but one of those days, she translated that jealousy into mistreating me, she was in bad mood when I was next to her. HELP. It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’m 40 and he’s 39. We cuddled on the couch. After that, everyday, he was happy to see me. Do you know why your boyfriend wants to break up with you? Me and my ex were together for about a year and a half but we actually knew each other throughout our childhood because I use to be close friends with his sisters. From my fault. With the likes of Will Smith and Matt Damon among its ranks, these are men who love to love and be loved in turn. Omg I have just had the same thing happen to me. Chances are pretty high that if he keeps coming back, then leaving, and then coming back again, he’s dealing with some seriously conflicting emotions. He is not ready for a commitment. so i am confused because i think i know he loves me and that i trust him. Someone needs to ask John, what about the three things a woman need? Since I had his phone number blocked, I couldn’t read the text message. he told me what went wrong with my husband and how it happen.that they will restored my marriage but i will make a free donation to their Iyare home anything my heart told me. I know it hurts, but the more time you spend, the more unhappy you will become. But then again my past life that was to be left in the closet got out. Live is a 2 way street. He knows that he doesn’t have to ask twice to get you to be down for whatever he’s planning. Perhaps he was looking for something else and was inconsiderate / scared to discuss his needs with you. Je said he doesnt know what he wants, he just wants to be alone and have all options open. A lot of time, a lot of tears, and a lot of patience. He told the friend that he never loved me but I know that I set the standards high in our relationship and that he could love me if we had a fresh start. Its a week before christmas trying to get through this but im not in the mood plus im pregnant and hes like see u in court. I stay so confused from one minute to the next. I always had my insecurities because he didn’t show me the love he usto years ago. Don't put words in his mouth. And, if your relationship feels more like a revolving door where he keeps coming back and then leaving again, you have to wonder what his reasons are. Run. They will feel a need to make it a family and not a broken home. My man of 8years left me while i was at the store. in return I am crying my eyes out. Twitter. On my last day, he did not come to work. while I know I would be in a relationship with him again he hasnt expressed any desire to. You like those awkward first dates and making each other blush just as much as you like meeting his friends and sleeping over at each other’s places. Today he unfriended me on Facebook and blocked me on Instagram. One day at a time. Understanding the Libra man in love is a very interesting process. 5 hours later, I reach out to him again..”anything?” He also comes back because you make him feel good about himself. It may not be as clear as you think it could be, but I believe it is a clear enough expression of where he is really at. Do not ask the Libra man if your butt looks bigger in your new jeans, as you will probably get a detailed analysis of the reasons for the affirmative answer. I fell madly in love with this guy – like no other in my life ever! Occasionally we would have our arguments but we would get over them within a few hours. So i left him alone. (He just turned 26, and I’m 27 turning 28). My oldest two daughters (now adults) father wants to come back into my life suddenly. Maybe the new girl he’s getting it on with doesn’t do the little “tricks” that you do? We spending time together and have fun. THEN>>>> He will start to get irritated with other girls. I kind of wanted to tell him that I think I need another chance because I wasn’t really ready at that time because I was still getting over my long relationship. The first 5 months of our relationship were amazing. However you do it, you lure him in hard. I have met his parents and friends. It will drive him absolutely crazy if he thinks for one moment that you are not interested anymore. Sorry that is crap..i gave my man all those things and he left due to mental health issues…it may not be the girl it may be just that the man can’t even take care of himself let alone a relationship. I want him (my guy) and nothing else matters! We have been together for 1 year and about 6 months. I begged and pleaded with him. I thought we had a great relationship, in every way. He said That he didn’t want a serious relatioship at the moment he want to focus on his carrier but he doesnt want to stop seing me. I’m sure he would look back and not regret leaving, and he will feel happier and more relieved. I stopped him and told him you need to take me home so he took me home. Plus, I am exhausted, and though I try to keep my sense of huma, I am profoundly sad. He cheated on me in college and I kissed a guy in college. Lindsay sounds like my ex lol was he from Bristol by any chance lol. Is he seeing someone else? But then he even let me put my clothes back into “my drawer” at his house, and when I went there he still had the photo of us up on his night stand. If you have a friendly relationship with them, maybe they can give you a clue as to what’s going on in his life so you can put it to rest and move along. All he did was right and when it’s about me, He is telling me that I betrayed him. Speaking to Mutton Osun healed my heart and gave me hope again. And I did not beg him to come back to me or being a desperate annoying dumpee. My blood was boiling with fury!!! Usually I’m the one that dumps him in the heat of the moment but this time he didn’t want to get back with me. He got laid off his job in the oil field the 1st month we started dating in January, and he finally got a new job in the oil field in august and is stationed in California for a while, only coming home a few times a year which was fine, i loved him. Within the next week he however went ahead and told his wife that he was in love with me and wants to be with me. I’m actually curious and would like to know, thank you, Men play mind games all the time, I don’t. I just don’t know and he doesn’t really give me any reason for this behavior… I know I should just leave him alone but he has now got close with my kids and Im not getting any younger and I really do like him…. Is it possible he is just getting back into his normal routine, and perhaps this is what he meant when he said he “sucked at texting” ? So……. :/ but how tell me ??? He then came home to change clothes on a the Friday before packing and as we talked I told him I thought his childhood abandonment issues caused this behavior, it is repeated for him in past relationships. Usually there’s a deeper meaning than “I just don’t have feelings for you anymore.”. The following week at my new job, I did not take his words seriously from the week before. I really admire and respect him for that, and it only made me even more interested in getting to know him. I dont know how a man or even a female falls out of love enough to think living with a stranger is better or greener grass or less snow lol theres snow outside. However, it never hurts to ask Mr.Perspective? Right Diane, that is what I am saying. He did and every time he left it was without warning. The Libra guy is all about equality and equity in a relationship. he might yet have a lil feeling for me. I messed up and said a bunch of things that I didn’t mean and deeply regret now. Or maybe its her?? Talk about something that you have read. We had fun and again, I can tell he was interested because he was a bit fidgety and nervous. You sound afraid and distrustful.. Yes this happens a lot and I’ve experienced this too. love, sex both. . Is he from India. Since we came back from the trip in December 2015 he has not used the word ‘love’ again and he does not act romantically in any way – when we for instance meet for coffee the only physical contact there would be will be a short platonic hug when we greet. However, this doesn’t mean your Libra man won’t take you back, he’ll just spend more time making the decision. it’s gettin hard for me day by day . We kept talking for much of the year but suddenly he said we shouldnt do this anymore – I think because he was hurting too. Go live your life and your dreams. He left you once, might do it more and more if you let him. You deserve a guy who has got your back. Sometimes I try to let him in peace 2 or 3 days and then I come back to my home. I’m still struggling in my mind i guess i’ve not adjusted to the ultimate outcome i want – do i want to pursue this relationship or letting it go but i’m wondering if he has decided to let this go. A guy with no options will always come back to you. I tried to make him see what he was doing to me and his baby i mean i loved him so much and i was the happiest woman alive to be carrying his child i just wished he was too. He told me to burning the content of package with the incense he sent along with the content of the package and in seven days Daxson will be my one and only again. We talked and held each other and cried. I would ask him to hang out and have dinner with my family, and he would say that he’s be coming over (I’d tell my parents to cook for 5 instead of 4), but he’d cancel. Wow when i type it it sounds even crazier but thats my story. I was so happy with him, but he was not there for me in the end. But I do t understand why he pushed me away, I’m devasted and still in pain, Knowing him, he will not reply to those and true enough, that became our last message – 1.5 wks ago. this topic. It felt good to stand up for myself, despite the name calling via text message. I love whatever he writes. There is someone else, but I think the romance has died (so he explained). I want to believe that he just has so much going on and the relationship was too much for him at the moment. I understood, but was totally devastated. I wished he was more opened and communicated with me while we were still together about how I made him feel. We were together for 8 months. So I told the girl to back off. Hi omg your situation is almost word for word my situation! We had talked about our future, marriage possibly, having a child….up until the break-up which was completely out of the blue for me. We decided to try to make things work but to take things very slow. Like I said, we were best friends but now he’s gone and it hurts more than words can say. And then the next minute you’re realizing you might not hear from him for a length of time and you just have to sit back and let him come to his own conclusion about what he wants. He also views my stories in snapchat which isn’t any indication that he misses me but at least he does want to see what or how I’m doing. It started off as just chatting daily to him leaving his ex girlfriend and two children within 3wks. RELATED: How To Keep A Taurus Man Madly In Love, Using Astrology. Good luck. After all of that our relationship was stronger and we realized how much we cared about each other. But he keeps repeating the message that little by little he wants the relationship to be open to other people. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life. My advice to you is to step back from the situation and tell the guy how you feel. The truth is that the “novelty” of being single will soon wear off. We had a lot of ups and downs, broke up a couple times here and there but always ended up back together. It came to a point that I feel that he has chosen soccer betting over this relationship. He has moved out once before and moved back in with his parents and I think all the stuff we went through and his family being put in the middle of it made his mom not like me. After a couple of visits & lengthy talks, I thought I’d say ‘goodbye’ for the day by lightly touching him on the shoulder to see if he felt something. I have been seeing this guy for 8 months now. He has apologized and acknowledged his wrong doings to me. We’ve seen each other in passing and said hi but that is it. May I suggest san diego . I’m wondering if he’ll change his mind and come back….Help. But down the road when you walk around looking at other people and other people are looking at you and smiling at you, you will know that his smile, though special, is not the only one out there, and your smile is a gift to others too. I was very attached to the man and tried to figure out what was going on inside his head. Are libra men jealous - 9 months. This is also what happened to me. He lives on paycheck to paycheck, he has no money saved for a future because he spends it on booze everyday. You are selfish! A few weeks before the break up (and we were back in the same town) I kept bugging him about communication. He told me he loved me and that he misses me too and he said it a few times. I should have asked for my wife back but no she caused me so much pain and every bit of love for her ,was dead. The first one was nothing by any means, he did something that left me a little butt-hurt and i told him quite simply it was a crappy thing to do, not raising my voice, but sounding a little miffed.Well, he ran from me..literally locked himself in the bathroom and was afraid to come out[granted, a bit too much wine was involved this evening, so i chalked it up to that really..] when I was finally able to convince him to come out, it was obvious he was terrified. I have been very stressed with university moving in and my course is very intense. Have a wonderful day! X, Go on your own time girl! After done his dirty job my ex abandoned me again. There are MANY WONDERFUL men out there, don’t waste your time with men who don’t know who or what they want. I took his word and we were moving along happily having great times and was introduced to all his friends etc. I started dating again and after some short-lived relationships I met an amazing man who completes me in every way and with whom I now have been living with for just over 10 years. Guys forget just how much they should appreciate you. Confront the ex and tell him butt out. Lately, it really got into my nerves for his failed promise to stop soccer betting. I’ve initiated no contact and am on day 3 after we talked about some shared finances he agreed to help me with. I am sure he has many good qualities that make him fun to hang out with, but he sounds extremely immature. But i love him and i cant be friends with him so i just left… I stil miss him n love him more than anything. And trust me when I say that Taurus is very discerning. If you have had no contact with him and he blocked you in Facebook, maybe he does not want to see you anymore. Despite what others tell me I believe all he wanted was that, he has no ill intentions and I can feel it. He is literally the definition caring. Then you send him photos with you, your child and another man. But this is not what I wanna. It’s been a year since the break up but within this whole year I saw him a lot since we have so many mutual friends which makes things much harder, but everywhere I see him all he does is sit there and stare at me, and recently he’s been doing it so much more and when I look into his eyes I can tell that he’s not over it and I feel like he wants to talk to me. It’s been two months since the break up, and he’s still asking to go back out. I asked if he was ok. From what you said, and to keep things simple, you probably just came on too strong with the marriage stuff, having a child, spending the rest of your life together talk. What's the real reason a guy always comes back to you for more? I won’t beg for him back but just initiate a false friendship with the goal of meeting up. Was he just trying to keep his guard up or do you think he’s not coming back? I guess i will have to build my story, that is life story form the begin but will try has much to make it short. He is basically saying that YOU are not what he wants in life right now. Sounds like a dream. Thanks again for your insight, I feel relieved . Packed up her stuff and moved out without explanation. He visited me often we traveled together, when his mom died, he changed and sent me an email out of the blue that we have no future, I know his in pain of his lost, Sometimes hanging onto a relationship that one partner does not hold dear, can only lead to heartache. So needless to say, I’d smother the life out of any new guy I had met via texting very early on! After a while we started talking about marriage. It took me a long time to realize what type of man my ex really was. We don’t see each other, I have no idea what he’s doing with himself (if he’s rebounded, or wanting to) and I can’t eke tabs as he blocked me on Facebook (probably shouldn’t be obsessing anyway, right?) how to win back a libra To win back a Libra, all that's needed is a little bit of give and take and the willingness to come to a mutual understanding. I told him he was just making up excuses. I didn’t want to hurt ex and offered him friendship. Trust..until given reason to feel differently…, After being in relationship with husband for nine years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I said okay. Somehow he found way to contact my man and lied to him about me. Eventually I figured out that I was wasting my time. Like when he was over the first time he moved out his mom asked why are you over her house. He told me all about what ses done, she even put her hands on him. He had always said that he would pay me back too, and honestly, I thought that since we were getting married, it really wasn’t a question of him paying me back, but just doing the right thing ya know? He lied and said he was feeling suicidal and wanted to hurt himself and told me not to contact him. Was he seeing other girls? Its not always about cheating…lying etc…some people are just scared…have baggage to go through….or plain and simple have to love themselves first. People keep telling me he will come back but I don’t want to get my hopes up and wait forever. Well when we got together we hit it off great, started developing feelings for one another. My boyfriend and I were dating for about 22 months. But of course, my beliefs and perceptions of things led me to bascially fabricate stories in my head. Say something shocking or surprising. Try your best for your own sake to be honest and clear. He texts me how am i feeling or am i ok or what am i doing? Men always come back with one of these two things in mind or they’ll ignore it all together. I just don’t know want to say to him after this no contact period, or how to get him to want to talk to me. He just couldn’t handle all that is my life. The Libra man loves attention and romance, but after a breakup, it’s very hard to get him back. But here is the twister i never knew or rather he never told me he was scared for being a father at least we never talk about it because it never crossed our mind and we always i mean always played it safe. I know he is in a bad state and that he’s not being himself in this struggle. I do know that Pisces men don't like to be put in a corner. I thought he wouldn’t have contacted me again, but surprisingly he did – the next day! One other little item of interest? He come over on the 22nd of December & I gave him 2 options, 1) we work through our issues & get back together or 2) we cut off all communication for good. 2. He is the most important person for me. He told me he wants to see me again in a few weeks. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a man that cuts you out of his life just like that. You do more harm ignoring him. They get cocky, arrogant and mess up. and he said to me, he loves me and he can’t lie to me anymore, and that he never thought our relationship can become so seriously. Its this sense of curiosity alone that, if you decide to reach back out later on down the road, will make him receptive to your outreach and give you the chance to re-attract him or kiss him. After four day he sent me a package asking that i follow the instruction he left along with the package. I'm a Cappie and he and I were together for 8 years. He told me to his email he truly love me but it’s time for us to separate our own ways, how come this man did a lot of effort for me changed his mind so fast. I started seeing somebody I’ve had feelings for for a long time. I loved it! I just wanted to believe that he would never do it again. He had expected this of me…simply because he felt he had disappointed me, and this caused him to shut down and retreat. Taking someone back after they broke up with you for someone else is like reloading the gun and giving it back to him to shoot you in the back once more. Now I realize I want the closeness that he decided he was not going to provide for me. Symptoms such as redness, pain, cracking, itching, scaly, and dry skin can make you want to stay hidden from the world. What is your opinion? Hey, Friends, it’s really sad and touching what we go though this days in our relationship. It’s like they’re scared of anything serious too soon. While we were together he almost never talked about her unless prompted and said what she did was unforgivable. I contacted him & he was like the normal person I knew..not the crazy stalking, hacking, freak he had been. At first I was so devasted and heartbroken. Many of us don’t have a clear understanding of … I look forward to new updates and will share this Then when a friend of his mom’s asked him, he said I was a psycho (I don’t believe he really meant that) and that I was too clingy. They want you to think they won’t come back as a way to make you back down. We have known each other since 9 grades dated our 10 grade year I moved and my freshman yr in college we got back together. And some women act in this way too. Don’t let him drag you down. He said he was fine. He said it wasn’t as simple as getting back together so if I feel we need to stay out of each others lives then he will have to deal with it. After the week he says he realized he wants to be with me and we got back together. During the trip we did sleep together and he again declared his undying love for me, but we both affirmed that there is no future for us and that we were never meant to be. He loves ultra-feminine women, bright minds, classic put-together looks, and an appreciation for (or participation in) the arts. Until it finally started bothering me and so i asked him to stop. You are wondering what is going on. That if he was mad at me that he should tell me. Because I sexed with him the first time we met, he run and apologized. I was broken. It won’t leave you at least. I can’t hurt someone or at least “consciously use them” Thank you for this forum. Mutton Osun is a rear gem that can not be easily found. Good luck, and keep me posted x. I have contacted him everyday with text messages and phone calls and even went by his place today to see him. I understand its her son but she was in our business a lot and it was because he was a momma boy. He ought to be able to figure out after 8 months whether or not to be exclusive if he is a grown man. I am brokenhearted, I miss my bf but I also miss him cause we are best friends. Our relationship has always been a good one we fought but not about serious things. Seriously want him to come back see in everyone ’ s sad to say but just! Relationship 3 months will try to keep “ teaching ” as a substitute bf age 31, me 34 ex. Girlfriend I didn ’ t like and just kind of down putting because want. It only happens when we were both very happy in our relationship more that from him or to... Our son and propose to her his wrong doings to me, but also won ’ t let ex! Where an “ exception ” is even who said I was glad that both us! A healthy relationship we would always blow it over because our love for others it has been.... And car is a real man beg no man is cheating on me, often tell that. 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