Gaukur Gunnarsson, Assistant Camera As for the horrors of the last winter, someone else would have to answer for that. Days went by, and weeks. Chief of Bureau of Navigation. And Fredericks does all he can to sustain him. Narrator: No sooner had they sailed into the ice-choked waters beyond Lady Franklin Bay, than Greely started to fall apart. He said, "Well I've had more baths than you guys have had all year.". Narrator: Whatever their reasons for being there, some of Greely's men were already distinguishing themselves. Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: One of the organizers had recommended that they not have their own ship; he felt that ships were "cities of refuge" that made explorers timid. Another goal of the expedition was to search for any clues of the USS Jeannette, lost in the Arctic two years earlier. Narrator: Greely teetered on the brink, raging at the men one moment, and then disappearing into his sleeping bag for scandalously long stretches. Oliver Canales 1876 USMA Class Album, Special Collections, USMA Library He spent years poring over scientific treatises, cultivating patrons, and studying accounts of earlier expeditions. Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: We're all forged to a certain extent in adversity. David Brainard (Rich Porfido): "A long talk was given to the crowd of angry and excited men by Lieutenant Greely, who said that he was not a man to be trifled with and in case of necessity he would not stop at the loss of human lives to restore order.". (c) 2011 Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: The most striking thing about an arctic winter is that it's totally dark. I tried to cheer him, but he would repeat in a low, pleading voice, 'please kill me, won't you!' Twenty-five-year-old Sergeant David Brainard set a fierce pace for the men as they raced to build the outpost they named Fort Conger. Brainard saw Greely's hold over the men vanishing. But not even the most experienced sea captain could have penetrated the wall of ice at the bottleneck between Cape Sabine and Littleton Island. If the Army's ship could not reach Lady Franklin Bay, the plan was for Greely's team to go to the Army; there, at least, they would find food, reinforcements, and possibly even news from home. You've got essentially five months of pure light where the sun never sets, five months of dark, where the sun never rises. An order was an order with David Brainard. Adolphus W. Greely (Tim Hopper): "July 7, 1881. National Archives in Washington, D.C. Philip Cronenwett, Historian: The trip up was amazingly easy. Henrietta took her cause to the press. Adolphus Greely joined the United States Army in 1861. Scientifically, the expedition was a success: Greely pressed the boundary of exploration further north than anyone before, and his party collected reams of meteorological and geographic data. Adolphus Washington Greely, U.S. Army officer whose scientific expedition to the Arctic resulted in the exploration of a considerable amount of terrain on Ellesmere Island, Canada, and on coastal Greenland, where he also set a contemporary record … Patricia Yusah, Marketing and Communications Robert N. Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations He also sighted the Innuitian Mountains from Lake Hazen. See Greely photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Greely in United States. Wyatt Sprague. Jessica Attel The ship's doctor reported that none of the survivors would have lasted another 48 hours. By now, Fredericks himself was half-frozen. Greely had ordered the abandonment of Fort Conger, and Brainard dutifully carried out his orders. Breton Books, Wreck Cove, Nova Scotia. It's amazing that they didn't all die. For more than a century his records gathered dust, until once again the Arctic captured the world's attention. Henrietta had resisted Greely's Arctic dreams from the first. ", The response was slow in coming. Susan A. Kaplan, Anthropologist: These men were really extraordinary in the care that they took of one another. Just so huge and so uncaring and so vast in that very, very real sense that makes you feel so insignificant. So when Greely ordered everyone's rations cut to provide extra for Ellison, there was no argument. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Greely, ON. Narrator: And so they drifted. Over the next two years he worked his way up the enlisted ranks to 1st sergeant. In letters to his wife Henrietta -- letters that he could only store away until the relief ship arrived -- Greely gave voice to doubts and longings that he carefully concealed from the men. John’s, Newfoundland—on July 7, 1881. Jim Lotz, Writer: There was fame to be gained. In accordance with his instructions for this case, Greely decided in August 1883 to abandon Fort Conger and retreat south with his team. In June 1886, Greely was promoted to captain after serving twenty years as a lieutenant and, in March 1887, President Grover Cleveland appointed him as Chief Signal Officer of the U.S. Army with the rank of brigadier general. Adrift at sea, Greely had cowered in his sleeping bag; back on land, he was cool headed and effective. The Greely Expedition on site in the Arctic. George Rice (Justin Mader): "Ellis tells me of being intimidated by the other occupants of his sleeping bag and talks of cannibalism. And then Fredericks brought back all of Rice's unused food to the group. Narrator: As the sled was being readied, Rice's bunkmate died. Six Came Back also published by Bobbs-Merrill in 1940 includes all journal entries from the beginning until the end of the Greely Expedition. Greely Expedition). Three years earlier, 25 men had set sail for the far North, where they planned to collect a wealth of scientific data about the Arctic — a vast area of the world's surface that had been described as a "sheer blank." Upon the death of Admiral David D. Porter in February 1891, Greely became president of the District of Columbia Society of the SAR and served until the end of 1892. Michael Robinson, Historian: The rising clamor among the popular press for the government to do something about it, and the fingers that were being pointed at the Secretary of War and the Army were fueling public interest in it. Freed from the restraints of military discipline, how would 25 men fare in a lawless wilderness over the coming winter, or two, or three? Greely's historic starvation camp of 1883-84 was revisited from April to June 1998. Jim Lotz, Writer: Rice had some experience of boats. Narrator: "I will bear true faith." 'Who are you?' We are 24 starved men; we have done all we can to help ourselves, and shall ever struggle on, but it drives me almost insane to face the future. David Brainard (Rich Porfido): "This afternoon I opened a barrel of dog biscuit and found a large percentage entirely ruined. Powell, Theodore: "The Long Rescue", W.H. I shall at least have made my mark in the world. ", David Brainard (Rich Porfido): "Ellison's right foot dropped off this morning without his knowledge. Goði Már Guðbjörnsson It's a horrid place. A daunting story of shipwreck, starvation, mutiny and cannibalism amongst a group left abandoned in the high Arctic. Rice.". We unfurled the glorious Stars and Stripes to the northern breezes with an exultation impossible to describe.". Philip Cronenwett, Historian: Rice was not only the photographer on the expedition, but if anything had to be done Rice was volunteering to do it. [citation needed], Two consecutive supply parties failed to reach Greely's party encamped at Fort Conger on Ellesmere Island in 1882 and 1883. People like Rice and Brainard are becoming more than they were as a result of this trial by fire. In July 1881, 25 men sailed out on an American expedition to create an Arctic scientific base in the Lady Franklin Bay region. Sara E. Brown, Maps and Additional Animation Clearly humans had taken that flesh off. At the end of the first year, the plans called for a ship to re-supply the station; at the end of the second year, another ship would sail north to bring them home. It wasn't, at least not by Greely. Aubrey Fernandez Narrator: All of the survivors were implicated, but Greely in particular was portrayed as a monster. Even as Greely won over his men in that third winter, he had come to grasp the unthinkable: they had been abandoned. Narrator: Greely and his men would establish the northernmost station on the shores of Lady Franklin Bay, just 600 miles from the North Pole. Denver Public Library, Western History Collection Brainard led the mission. Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: The survivors must have been in shock on that entire trip home. Then, after just a few hours' rest, rather than returning to safety at Camp Clay, he chose to walk back to Rice's unburied body. 2009. Rice claimed that he was just tired, and even joked feebly with Fredericks, but then his mind began to wander. Kevin R. Wood/NOAA, St. John's Recreations Directed by They recorded daily measurements of the weather and prepared for the springtime attempt at reaching "Farthest North." Review a timeline of the Greely Expedition. Narrator: "The facts hitherto concealed," the New York Times declared, "will make the record of the Greely colony the most dreadful and repulsive chapter in the long annals of Arctic exploration.". The mission was abandoned. Published in the press, gruesome accounts of cannibalism and murder tainted Greely's reputation as a commander as well as the team's scientific achievements for more than a century. Five days out he and his men finally came across 150 pounds of precious meat that had been stored away by an earlier British expedition. "Close to the opening lay what was apparently a dead man," one recalled. With Tim Hopper, Justin Mader, Michael Murphy, Rich Porfido. The ruff on the back of his neck/head is very ragged and darker than the rest of his fur. Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: It was an amazing, kind of an amazing gesture. There was scarcely room to lie down. Maps and Additional Animation Aaron Nee Alisa Placas Frutman. Ellison was the last casualty: he died on board after a series of amputations. Narrator: Two weeks after they left Fort Conger, the ice seized up. Sign up for the American Experience newsletter! It is not the end that affrights anyone, but the road to be traveled to reach that goal. The Civil War left him with a deep devotion to the Republic that had rescued him from obscurity. Post-Production Sound Services Picture Collection, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations By the time they reached Ellison, he was near death. And that's what happened to Ellison. "[11] However, his medal was the second, and last, Army presentation contrary to the combat requirement,[12] as Charles Lindbergh (an Army reservist not on active duty) received the award for his solo transatlantic flight eight years before, in 1927. Greely's mission was an orphan, and it showed. Philip Cronenwett, Historian: Brainard had a sense of adventure that many of the other men didn't have. No one would take responsibility. Narrator: Greely was stunned at the barrenness of their surroundings, but he took heart from the thought that they had made it to within reach of safety. Source for information on Greely's Arctic Expedition: Dictionary of American History dictionary. Deborah Clancy Porfido, Location Manager - Iceland Greely, with no prior experience or knowledge of Arctic weather and condition, was given command of the mission, which launched in the summer of 1881. Saul Dachslager Ellsberg, Edward: "Hell on Ice", New York, 1936. Narrator: From the moment Henrietta learned of the Garlington disaster, she pleaded with the Signal Corps, with the Secretary of War, with the President himself, urging they make another effort in the last remaining days of the sailing season. After the relief ships that were supposed to return them to the U.S. failed to reach Lady Franklin Bay for two successive years, authorities in the U.S. Army became desperate to retrieve the 25 abandoned men. They reached Cape Sabine expecting to find food and equipment depots from the supply ships, but these had not been provided. Production Central He and his men had few supporters back home. It used to be in the 1700s that people would collect things and put them in cabinets of curiosity and try to identify and label what they were. Theresa Leonard, Tom Montvilla Maureen Jordan "At the beginning most of the men did the scientific work because they were told to do it," says Robinson. Glenn Fukushima The irony is that the data is of interest today but not because it offers the key to an understanding of nature, but because it offers a key to how human beings have changed nature. Jim Lotz, Writer: Morale plummeted, just went straight through the floor. Welcome to the Greely google satellite map! All these fears that weren't present in the first year began to weigh very, very heavily upon the soldiers. The promotions Greely had made in the field weren't honored, and the men's pay was held up for years. On February 10, 1906, he was promoted to major general and on March 27, 1908, after over 46 years of service, he retired from the Army, having reached the mandatory retirement age of 64. It started as a scientific expedition with a bunch of people squabbling; it became a morality play. Adolphus W. Greely (Tim Hopper): "No game, no food, and apparently no hopes from Littleton Island. When Greely ordered his hard-bitten cavalrymen to tend to the officers' needs — including their laundry — some of the men took exception. Brainard was the key to the plan -- the men would follow their first sergeant. .... We at last reached Camp Clay at 2:10 am. But none of that happened. As death began to stalk Camp Clay, Henrietta gave up on the men in Washington. Mark Zwonitzer, Additional Scenics Directed by Greely is a blue-grey wolf, with a light blue underbelly (depends on artwork variants). See more ideas about polar, expedition, franklin expedition. pg. Narrator: Despite the bleak surroundings, Greely's men soon discovered a surprising source of comfort: their commanding officer. Greely himself was having difficulty thinking and speaking clearly, and his heart was weakening. 1896. Narrator: As winter tightened its grip, Greely and the senior men kept up a rigorous routine: 500 measurements a day of wind speed, barometric pressure, magnetism, and dozens of other phenomena. Narrator: For the enlisted men, winter enforced an idleness that was no less challenging. Unfortunately, the orders were written by someone who had absolutely no idea what was going on in the Arctic. Officially dubbed the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, the 25 men composing it departed St. John’s, Newfoundland, in the summer of 1881 under the command of Lt. Adolphus Greely… By the time a final relief force arrived the following summer, in 1884, only seven emaciated, unrecognizable men remained inside a half-collapsed tent. Adolphus W. Greely (Tim Hopper): "With all my yearnings for you I cannot bring myself to regret coming. But scientists in the 19th century realize that they need to understand how the parts fit together. We are 24 starved men; we have done all we can to help ourselves, and shall ever struggle on, but it drives me almost insane to face the future. After the war he received a brevet promotion to major to rank from 13 March 1865 for "faithful and meritorious service during the war". 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888). That's just being an insecure commander, uncertain with how to wield authority without clubbing your men over the head with it. Greg Shea, Legal Philip Cronenwett, Historian: Greely was a serving lieutenant in the United States Army. Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: The whole chemistry of the expedition worsens when the ship doesn't arrive. First Sergeant David Brainard is known for capturing the title of "Farthest North" in April of 1882 while a member of the Lady Franklin Bay scientific expedition in the Arctic. Jim Lotz, Writer: The whole atmosphere began to change as the winter got darker and darker and colder and colder. This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 01:28. Composed and Performed by David Prior I, however, am fully aware of the very dangerous situation we are yet in. An epic story of adventure, abandonment and human tragedy, The Greely Expedition tells of an 1881 scientific mission to the Arctic that ended with death and rumors of cannibalism. In the 1870s, Greely developed an interest in the Arctic region; he also heard of a potential exploratory mission to the far North. It's as if he had been inspired by his friend's unselfishness. Without Brainard's support, the conspiracy fell apart. We are 24 starved men; we have done all we can to help ourselves, and shall ever struggle on, but it drives me almost insane to face the future. Ghosts of Cape Sabine: The Harrowing True Story of The Greely Expedition. So it's a really strange environment. Considered the true hero of the doomed Lady Franklin Bay Expedition (a.k.a. Rice.". Greely was even more isolated than he knew. Lieutenant A.W. Scott Kardel, Project Administration Judging just from these love letters it was obvious that he would do anything to sort of keep her attention. Narrator: The Greely expedition had caused barely a ripple when it left three years earlier; but now the public was clamoring for its rescue. Narrator: The Greely expedition itself was adventure enough for most men, but Brainard and Rice were both drawn to a still greater challenge -- beating the record for Farthest North, a title that the British had held since 1607. [citation needed] In 1911 he represented the United States Army at the coronation of King George V.[citation needed]. But he understood orders. The expedition's scientific records were retrieved and despite Greely's strenuous objections the bodies on Cemetery Ridge exhumed. Ben Hoffman Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. Promoted by Henry W. Howgate, its purpose was to establish one of a chain of meteorological-observation stations as part of the First International Polar Year. That holistic sense of science is really catching fire. Michael Robinson, Historian: This was not simply some new Arctic expedition. After a harrowing trip, Greely and his men arrived at Cape Sabine to find only a few weeks' worth of provisions. During his tenure as Chief Signal Officer of the Army, the following military telegraph lines were constructed, operated and maintained during the Spanish–American War: Puerto Rico, 800 miles (1,300 kilometers); Cuba, 3,000 mi (4,800 km); the Philippines, 10,200 mi (16,400 km). The survivors came to recognize the mental breakdown that presaged death. Directed by Rob Rapley. This was the thing that overshadowed the whole, the achievement of the expedition. For the first time ever, man was beginning to unravel the mysteries of the weather, by using the telegraph to track it over hundreds and thousands of miles. “Framing Freedom” and “Slavery: This Abomination” Jonathan Weaver, Gaffers But in the summer of 1882, the relief ship did not come. She didn't have many connections, but she worked them tirelessly, urging one cousin to pester the Chicago Tribune, another the Atlanta Constitution, while others did the same in Denver, New Orleans, Philadelphia and elsewhere. The expedition team had brought supplies to last three years at Fort Conger, but the men were wary and facing the grim reality of another year in the far North. He had escaped by volunteering for the Union, had survived the bloodiest fighting in the country's history, and led one of the first units of black troops. Left there with 350 tons of supplies, the team went to work building an outpost they christened Fort Conger, which would serve as their home for the coming two years. It was there that Greely found his calling. The two men took shelter behind an iceberg. Narrator: If Henrietta was ever going to see her husband again, she would have to turn the will of Congress, the Army, and the President. He will be reached next year as early as possible.". Adolphus W. Greely (Tim Hopper): "It would never do that the commander should show signs of homesickness. Sigurður Freyr Björnsson, Art Directors But hurrying, doing big miles with no sleep, probably no rest and no food or even water, it would've been very easy to get frostbite. For seven hours, he dragged himself across the ice field before finally reaching their sleeping bag. Jim Lotz, Writer: It became very obvious that the army had screwed up to put it mildly and the media started to ask about these things. And he had this very, very strong drive to make himself exceptional so that he would be recognized by the military. Narrator: The Army seemed to hold a grudge against the survivors for having tarnished its reputation. He was also a member of the Sons of the Revolution, the General Society of the War of 1812 and the Grand Army of the Republic. Believing he was obeying orders, the lieutenant made the expedition abandon this refuge and push further south over some of the most treacherous waters on Earth, a trip that reduced him to the edge of a nervous breakdown. And so in a sense people begin to envision the earth almost like an organism with a set of circulation systems. That night, as Greely slept, three men approached Brainard with a plan. We started off under the brightest of skies, with the finest of weather.". The expedition's doctor would declare Greely insane, and another officer would lead the men back to Fort Conger. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the 36th Infantry Regiment of the Regular Army on 7 March 1867 and was reassigned to the 5th Cavalry Regiment on 14 July 1869 after the 36th Infantry was disbanded. Greely offered that challenge to two teams who would vie for the prize. Michael Robinson, Historian: As the men begin to contemplate that they may not return home, then suddenly leaving behind some kind of legacy for all this pain and suffering becomes more important. When he heard talk of an Army expedition to the Arctic, he gave his life over to it. After fighting for the Union in the American Civil War, Greely became involved in the campaign to build a nationwide telegraph system for the Signal Corps. This place is situated in Pine County, Minnesota, United States, its geographical coordinates are 45° 44' 41" North, 93° 4' 5" West and its original name (with diacritics) is Greely. If they didn't work together, if they didn't obey what Lieutenant Greely said that they needed to do they were all going to die. The expedition also crossed Ellesmere Island from east to west and Lt. James B. Lockwood and Sgt. Measures 4" x 2.5" and is in fine condition. And by this time talk of those horrors had begun to circulate. Narrator: Through the long night, Greely pored over the contingency plans in his orders. Narrator: In this crucible of suffering Greely had been stripped of his vanities and ambitions, his iron will tempered with compassion. This is really an attempt at a new science of the world," says historian Michael Frederick Robinson in the film. More recently, however, Greely's Arctic data has been revisited and the numbers have contributed to scientists' understanding of this relatively unknown area of the world. Narrator: "Rice," Brainard wrote, "was as brave and noble as any man the world has ever known.". Called the First International Polar Year, it would create a chain of 14 stations around the Arctic, at which observers would collect synchronized meteorological, astronomical and magnetic data. Susana Fernandes Jim Lotz, Writer: Oh, it's a wondrous place. Greely's militaristic style kept order in place but left some questioning his leadership capabilities. Officially, William Cross's death was chalked up to an obscure disease, but everyone knew the real cause: starvation. "Lieutenant Greely has shown himself to be a man of more force of character and in every way greater than I had believed him to be," one of the men wrote. They were able to move up there rather quickly. Storyboard Artist ... Watch Chapter 1 of The Greely Expedition. Watch Chapter 1 of The Greely Expedition. Narrator: The isolation affected everyone. He was a third cousin of American author and statesman Horace Greeley. He figured he could handle himself. Greely Expedition ranks with the Lewis and Clark Expedition in importance. He is buried at Arlington Cemetery, next to Henrietta. Janice Flood 473. Image Gallery The Greely Expedition on site in the Arctic. When they were finally able to leave their encampment, Fredericks noticed that Rice was failing. He took his orders and he did what he was told to do. Lauren Noyes, An Apograph Productions Inc. film for AMERICAN EXPERIENCE Ragnar Pétur Pétursson, Additional Archival Research Register of the District of Columbia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Greely's nominal second-in-command, Second Lieutenant Frederick Kislingbury, 11th Infantry, had quit his post even before the Proteus sailed out of sight in September 1881. Philip Cronenwett, Historian: They almost began to understand why it was necessary to have that military command that he had been talking about for the previous several years. Clearly, Rice had earned more than respect, almost adulation for all his efforts. One week after leaving Fort Conger, Greely told his officers that he was considering abandoning the steam boat and loading their supplies onto an ice floe, trusting the currents to carry them south. Narrator: Despite Rice's leadership they were barely moving, and they were running out of coal. But Greely remained devoted to the survivors, and to the dependents of the men who had perished. Jerry Kobalenko, Writer: It's a piece of rock spat out from hell and allowed to cool. [15] USS General A. W. Greely (AP-141) and Fort Greely were named in his honor. In that very, very heavily upon the soldiers March 1863, he was near death trip. Henrietta gave up on the Greenland coast over the contingency plans in sleeping... That appeared at the water 's edge in the west and several others will follow in a short.. All other thought? they endured frostbite and natural amputation, madness, and they were all over.! His 24 men were already distinguishing themselves to answer for that quest to understand how the parts fit together scientific. Expedition 's abandonment caused barely a murmur of protest have you stealing food ''. All journal entries from the Indian Wars in the end that affrights anyone, but Greely remained devoted to bottom. 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