Think about the last ten years of your life. Until two months ago, I was a medical student. We love your CLICKS! Most bourgeois thing to be said. You're in law school for a reason. Press J to jump to the feed. I am glad I found this subreddit. Your chief resident/sous chef wants to see you in the scrub room/on the dishwash sobbing anger tears, pushing through and succeeding. Pass out at some point...if you are lucky on a Friday or Saturday you might score with some chick from the front of the house...wake up the next day for truck delivery. No, I haven’t returned to a bubbleheaded first-year med student punch drunk on medical beneficence. 25, 2019 , 2:30 PM. I want my free time back, I want to enjoy my hobbies without the guilt, I also want a normal 9-5 job in a field I enjoy (actually don’t mind doing lab work). I promise things eventually get better. Listen . Now it's all automated and scripted, parceled and packaged. The school has screwed me over once big time while in my second year by intentionally misleading me (thats a long story). Every night I would think of quitting but in the morning I would drag myself to the lab. I managed to rebound from this and make it through the didactic year 1 and 2 of school, but I still struggled a lot and was in the bottom 5% of my class. Smokers trying to kick the habit face odds that only a bookie could love—just one out of five succeeds in quitting. I probably have a rant but I am also open to suggestions. Once I got into medical school, I struggled a lot with exams and failed to the point where I needed to repeat my first year. I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. It was in October this year that I decided to quit MBBS for astronomy — my lifelong passion. . Then after that is over you get to cleanup for the 160 people you just fed. My parents were very understanding, and it just happened that at the moment I was quitting medical school, the university in Lima introduced a master’s degree in biochemistry. Before You Quit Nursing School – Do These Things . Medical school is similar to premed undergraduate coursework in that it is science-focused, Young says, but the medical school curriculum more heavily emphasizes the science of … In contrast, deciding to leave during fourth year is an entirely different story. I know I have been asked what made you get into medicine in the first place and I dont remember why I did it anymore. They'll teach you to cook alright. We need more nurses who give a damn! And several friends who have matched have all said I should keep trying because I would be a great doctor. One month is not enough time to study for the MCAT for most people. A couple months into school and I’m thinking of quitting. Slosh down some beers and some shots watching the waitresses count tips...knowing they make 4 times as much as you do and don't do shit. You've mentioned that you don't want to waste money on MS4. You Want to Be a Lawyer. Your life circumstances at enrollment may change as you progress through different levels of medical studies. You know how everyone low-key thinks that surgeons are workaholics that hate life and love cutting? My parents were very understanding, and it just happened that at the moment I was quitting medical school, the university in Lima introduced a master’s degree in biochemistry. How do I tell them? The guys needs to finish it and it's shouldn't even need to be said... Not to mention that working in a kitchen is hell on your body. As medical school tuition continues to climb, the debt at the end of the four years will on average be much higher than it is today. But the OP should be aware that it's quickly disappearing, as in all employment in the USA, for strictly automated systems for every aspect of the job. If you want to quit nursing school, if you hate nursing school (we all do), if you are thinking about dropping out . To quote Dwayne Johnson: I need soldiers, give me soldiers, Also, especially if you don't apply for the match 4th year is honestly a breeze and at least at my school you could finish in half a year, cutting down significantly on coats. Get your food cooled within specified times, labeled, and into the walk-in. I wish I could be happy but instead I am full of regret. Kim-Lien Nguyen, M.D., is a cardiologist and an assistant professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He had hospitals praising his experience in restaurants because it is so similar to triage and taught the rare skills of constantly shifting priorities on the fly. And a recruiter for the USPHS lied to me about being qualified for a job and I was rejected immediately from it. When I worked restaurants (and loved it, btw) there was a kid there applying for residencies. One of my dear friends went to medical school … Another thing the OP might consider is that restaurants have changed. The customer is not even important as a person with choices, only complaints. When I was getting my masters, I would cry every night, because I hated doing thesis. 20 years ago corporate attitudes took over restaurant management (the managers will check the number of times one visits a table and monitor what is said - notice how often waiters stop by in the first 15 minutes saying the same exact things then disappear never to be seen again? Now I have a job, love being an engineer and earn closer to $100K. You gotta give it so much and you fucking little in return. I tried everything I know to find a job and have been screwed over by a head hunter, who has decided to stop responding to me (I didnt pay him, he would have been paid equivalent to my first month salary by the company), my thesis advisor has ghosted me, my academic advisor (where I graduated from with my MD and MPH <3 months ago) has decided to also ghost me. So by the grace of God, working with a professional coach and intentionally changing my practice, I’m still practicing but differently now. This MD is completely useless and the MPH is even more useless. This is because of the great commitment it takes to undergo the education and training needed for a medical career, as well as how difficult it is to get accepted to medical school at all. I resent studying the information now and can’t even bring myself to put in the effort I know is needed. If so, then power to you. Today is my last day of medical school. Let me rephrase that. Rather than being a part of a big dysfunctional family somehow gathering the strength to make all the parts work together, it's more like factory work. Hi! On the other hand, I dont see myself fitting into anything in the healthcare field anymore. I was able to validate all my credits, take some more courses, complete a bachelor’s degree in biology, and then enter the master’s degree program in biochemistry. I'd consider finishing just so that you've got a plan B for when you can no longer work a 16 hour shift without swallowing a bottle of Advil. (Info / ^Contact). As my original 2016 post, '15 tips on what to do if you want to quit medicine', has been getting a spike in views, I've decided to update it - check out my latest advice on what to … If you leave a comment, please note your location (city/country) and stage of medical training in your response so I can figure out what the demographics would look like. Plus, it's FREE. Lim Chun Chai is Duke-NUS Medical School's oldest ever first-year student. Medical school … Or, if they make it there and find themselves miserable, there are those who cannot afford to quit without insurmountable debt. More on that last point: If you think about a normal study schedule, you’re taking the unscored AAMC MCAT a week before your exam. Colleen McLellan works for a wonderful non-profit in New Orleans, Louisiana. I dont believe them when they say this and I feel they are completely missing the point of everything I said. By that time it is maybe 5 or 6 at night...You have been on your feet all damned day. Once you finish high school, you’ll have four years of pre-med curriculum at a college or university. In retrospect, it was the beginning of the end. However, if you have 3/4 completed , pls do not quit. Hey parents, I'm going to culinary school. Here are five reasons why you shouldn't quit law school: 1. Hope everyone else is doing well out there. I've met some most crazy, hard-working, 90-hours pushing monsters (lads and girls both) in the Theatre and in the Back of House. I was able to validate all my credits, take some more courses, complete a bachelor’s degree in biology, and then enter the master’s degree program in biochemistry. Anthony Bourdain explains the old world of restaurant work extremely well in all it's hellish and alluring features. It's fuckin' health inspectors, long hours, little pay, burns, cuts, bruises, angry customers, and exhaustion...and I miss the shit out of it. I’m a non trad in my mid 20s and gave up a good engineering career for this. Say what you will, but back in the day one had to have their wits about them to work restaurants often for 12-16 hour days. I know this is a HUGE decision. I dont think anyone actually understands what I am dealing with, heck I even tried therapy and it just looped endlessly about am I sure about my decision. "Oh sure, we can send this back and have it cooked well done for you.". Here’s why. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Things eventually got better. What I'm saying is that you will get much more respect in the kitchen with a completed MD as opposed to having given it up at three quarters of the way. Is anything the same today … There is little "life" left in that service industry. I’m an MS1 at a Top 20 school in the US. I don’t entirely hate medical school, but I’m not die hard passionate about it either. . Honestly at this point, why would I even want to do medicine anymore knowing that these are the kinds of people I would have to deal with constantly. I have been miserable for the past four years--cramming, exhausting myself emotionally and physically, running around the hospital after my attendings, trying desperately to reduce my patients' suffering. Reddit. I have so much respect for physicians who made it through but I don’t think I can take it too much longer. . and D.O. Before you make a big decision like quitting medical school, do consider whether this may actually be symptomatic of more general low mood or anxiety. Yes, there are a few lawyers that have done it, but the hassle that comes with doing so isn't any easier than going to law school. I haven't decided the structure/format exactly, but wanted to first gauge y'alls interest in meeting other people at various stages of quitting and what you would hope to get out of such a meetup. I had quit medicine in my heart, but love doesn’t pay the bills. I agree. I gotta get out! Workers can collect unemployment benefits even after refusing work or quitting a job, if it's for "good cause." This is more of a rant than anything but I needed to get it off my chest. I am completely willing to walk away and ask a family friend if I could work as a carpenter just to get away from medicine. The chefs have no power to organize their tickets and meals, there is a corporate plan for that now. Can you work the hole for 12 hours on a Saturday on 4 hours of sleep? Do not quit !!! So that we can keep providing new posts, reviews and links, help us by clicking through to Kaplan, Princeton Review and Amazon and other sites when you order MCAT prep classes or books (links found in posts below). I am an MD/MPH who has lost any joy I had in medicine. It's getting up at 5 a.m. to prep for a mom's day brunch buffet...then changing coats to go hack prime rib in front of old people for 6 hours...smiling. Literally everyday I wake up feeling stressed out and guilty that I need to go study. She practices capoeira, hosts a radio show, and almost never misses medical school. Medical school is not what I imagined and even the thought of being a physician doesn’t seem appealing anymore. Anyway, rant over and thank you for reading. we need more nurses. Hey folks, need some perspective. Many women have navigated medical school, residency, marriage, and pregnancy successfully, but it’s a path strife with challenges. If you had a few month in med school and you decided to leave, good for you. . Med school hopefuls should also research the difference between M.D. I did fine in MD1 but this second year has been hellish (not to mention all classes are online). It’s OK to quit your Ph.D. By Katie Langin Jun. r/QuittingMedicine: A subreddit for doctors, residents, or medical students who have left or are considering leaving the field of clinical medicine. Download full-text PDF. Welcome to /r/MedicalSchool: An international community for medical students. He worked every holiday and 2 shifts a week to make rent and spending cash while in med school. But if you've never worked a kitchen shift in your life then stay in the goddamn med school. The second time she opted out, family matters were again prominent, but she also had to consider the same obvious factors that affect anyone considering starting medical school … And no, the chances of you becoming a lawyer without finishing law school are not good. I guess I am wondering should I really keep doing medicine. Yeah, that's a byproduct of management systems sold to restaurant owners over the last decade+.) He'd definitely be better off, even just financial ly basically doing the same amount of work. Cookies help us deliver our Services. They have many things in common and one of them is this: they despise giving up. Leaving medicine immediately after medical school graduation with some vague plan of getting a $150K position at McKinsey is probably not the best idea either. Now, maybe you know all this and you actually have significant kitchen experience. Rising second year med student here. I already did all the paperwork and got accepted to a really good culinary institute but haven’t told them yet. But I’m better. However, if you have 3/4 completed , pls do not quit. But before that, it was wild and electrifying work. Today, it's little more than assembly line work, even at the high end restaurants. … A subreddit for doctors, residents, or medical students who have left or are considering leaving the field of clinical medicine. It's fresh, well-sourced and easy to read. I was wondering what kinds of career options would I have if I quit immediately after med school versus quitting after residency? When I was getting my masters, I would cry every night, because I hated doing thesis. /u/swampthrowawaypgy69 explains in tough-love terms why finishing medical school might actually be the best thing for OP's burgeoning culinary career, /u/swampthrowawaypgy69 explains in tough-love terms why finishing medical school might actually be the best thing for OP's burgeoning culinary career [xpost from r/medicalschool], /u/swampthrowawaypgy69 explains that working in a kitchen is not necessarily easier than finishing med school. is the top Q&A online site for growing numbers of pre-med students. I've also thought about just quitting med school altogether, but am too afraid to take the plunge without any back-up plan. Depression and anxiety are endemic among medical students and doctors, and sometimes we are really bad at recognising it in ourselves. all OP needs to do is read kitchen confidential, they put in surgeon hours for no money. God I hate the restaurant industry. It was difficult and my experiments never yielded results. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: [r/bestof] /u/swampthrowawaypgy69 explains in tough-love terms why finishing medical school might actually be the best thing for OP's burgeoning culinary career, [r/bestofnopolitics] /u/swampthrowawaypgy69 explains in tough-love terms why finishing medical school might actually be the best thing for OP's burgeoning culinary career [xpost from r/medicalschool], [r/kitchenconfidential] /u/swampthrowawaypgy69 explains that working in a kitchen is not necessarily easier than finishing med school, If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. As a medical student, quitting during the first term of first year would be the least damaging financially. Medical students spend anywhere from eight to ten years in medical school.. It just feels like autopilot at this point. Her reasons for quitting are that she has to study all the time and her anxiety (already an issue before medical school) is at a constant peak. Forget cutting people, I'm all about cutting dem taters, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the medicalschool community. Yuppp....don't even apply to a culinary school until you see what the real world of cooking is like. Giving up on literally a decade of work and a lifelong dream is not a decision I would wish on anyone. I know this is probably sunk cost fallacy thinking, but I did invest 10 years of my life into this useless degree so I should get something back from it. How do I tell my parents I no longer feel a passion for it and that I rather go to culinary school? The views expressed are … Any feedback is welcome, I figure this would probably be the best place for that. Thinking about organizing a remote Zoom meetup for r/QuittingMedicine and wanted to judge interest. I've been having some health problems this year and lifestyle is important to me; lower salary (within reason, given the cost of med school) is worth lower stress. This is followed by medical school and then a residency and/or fellowship period. Medical school is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that requires me to choose school over the company when it comes to that decision. Chefs are the same. My mental health during exam blocks is terrible and the idea of studying and taking STEP 1 is already making me anxious. After not matching twice, trying for 6 months to find a job, in the midst of Covid, somewhere in the healthcare field, I am really burned out. As someone with FOH and BOH experience in a large variety of roles over 10 years: 100% correct. I’m scheduled to meet with an advisor soon so I can talk things through. If you had a few month in med school and you decided to leave, good for you. . Is there any good way to break the news? Thank you all. He was anxious that it would hurt his chances at a good hospital because he wasn't an EMT or lab tech for money. Far from it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Accurate. Press J to jump to the feed. I agree. I finished 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 1 year research fellowship, and 2 years of surgery residency. If you give up and leave you're done. She also has to do these stupid presentations in front of her class that seem completely unnecessary and that tap into her anxiety further. 1 The average applicant applies to 15 schools. Faris R, Henein MY, Coats AJS. I'm not sure how much real experience do you have in the kitchens but the prevalent sentiment is that all the certificates and degrees and courses don't mean shit without real life experience. People generally don’t decide to become doctors on a whim. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The CARES Act expanded these opportunities for Americans in … It also instilled the work ethic that one cannot leave until the replacement shows up or all the work is done - being there is too vital. she hasn’t said anything about it really. I knew school would be tough, but I didn’t think I’d be miserable everyday. Read more at I dare say that spending money on MS4 would give you much more in terms of career prospects in hospitality than most of the culinary institutes. Medical school is typically a long-term dream. The medical schools are not going to look at it negatively if you quit your job to study full-time for the MCAT. By Ewen Callaway. Is over you get to cleanup for the MCAT for most people field anymore decade+. happy instead... Needed quitting medical school reddit get it off my chest really keep doing medicine food cooled within specified times, labeled and... Quit law school are not good fine in MD1 but this second year by intentionally misleading me ( thats long. 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